Our hospital stay

I'm not sure how other parents feel about staying in the hospital, but I really loved it. It's this special time where we weren't quite asleep and weren't quite awake, just enjoying our new little guy. We also had such great nurses the whole time we were there.

Right after Asher was born I got to hold him for just a few seconds and then they took him to the NICU. He ingested some fluid on the way out so they hooked him up to a CPAP machine to make sure his breathing was all right. Thankfully he didn't have to stay on the CPAP very long. He did have to stay in the NICU for a couple of days because of his head trauma. I'm not really sure of the medical specifics but he didn't have enough blood in his body because the umbilical chord quit pumping before it should have and partly because of his head. Because of all this his oxygen saturation levels were lower than hey should have been. The skin on his poor little head was really saggy and full of blood from the suction. I couldn't look at it without crying.

Here he is brand new! With little swollen purple lips.

Poor little peanut was also under the bilirubin lights. He looks pretty cozy though:

 Holding him for the first time:
You can see below his little yellow eye mask from the lights.
First bath! He didn't like it when he was out of the water but he calmed down when the water was run over his head.
 Here you can tell he's already starting to chunk up!

1 comment:

  1. So adorable. I liked the hospital stay fine. I thought it was nice to have any food I wanted on the menu and as much as I wanted. But both times the last several hours and checkout were annoying because I had gotten antsy and it took a long time. But I'm glad you liked it.
