Missoula Surf

Suzy’s friend Laurel kindly gave us a ride from the Hospital in Idaho Falls back to our RV in Dubois an hour away.

Jordan was feeling better by then so we started driving North again.

While in Dillon Montana we came across the coolest elementary school we’ve ever seen. A slide to get from the 3rd story to the playground! So cool.

Another town in rural Montana with an old one room schoolhouse that was in operation from the 1800s all the way until 1967!

We finally rolled into Missoula, Montana, a place we have been looking forward to for a while. However, it is so far the most difficult town we have been to for traveling. It's not RV friendly at all, we were told this is because it has “become a popular town for the riff-raff types of travelers”. I like to think we aren't riff-raff but fall somewhere between them and the 6-figure RV types, but we are probably closer to riff-raff than we would like to admit and Jordan certainly looks the part. We were told to park our RV in a small lot in downtown, near the river. It sounded nice, but we decided against it once we got there.

Since Wal-Mart lets people camp in their parking lot there for one night, it was quite the campground by nightfall.

Besides being difficult to park and camp in, it has also been probably our favorite town to visit so far. There are a lot of people our age for some reason with a lot of our similar interests and it’s kind of an artsy open-minded town stuck in the rural Montana mountainscape. We spent our first day shopping in stores we haven’t seen in a while, to stalk up, and walking around downtown. Jordan was excited to visit the headquarters of the Adventure Cycling Association.

We spent the rest of our time hanging out at the river. The spot we swam at had a standing wave popular with kayakers and surfers. Yes, surfing in Montana.

It turned out to have a surfing competition while we were there so we stuck around for that.

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