Yellowstone Part One

Yellowstone!!!!! We went to Yellowstone few weeks ago! Jordan was feeling a little under the weather and it was COLD. Did I mention it was cold? It snowed quite a bit! When we pulled into the park it was snowing pretty hard. It continued to snow all day so we took it pretty easy.

At the end of the day I got to take a shower! A glorious shower! I think I was going on day four or five since the last one. Eek! We went to one of the campgrounds in Yellowstone that has pay showers and I could make the shower as hot and long as I wanted. I also dried and straightened my hair. I'm sure other campers taking showers thought I was a diva for fixing my hair, but it was so nice :) Our RV has a shower, but the hot water heater doesn't work and it had been too cold to use the shower without hot water. 

Day two in Yellowstone Jordan and I drove up the East side of the park to see everything. One of the first things we came across was a herd of bison trying to cross a bridge.

We drove to Artist Point to see the view of the Lower Falls. It's one of the more crowded places in the park, but they really are beautiful. We also drove to Upper Falls and hiked down to see them up-close. It was a beast hike on the way up!

At one of our stops, a herd of bison was on a hill a little ways away and they all started to run down the hill at once. One big male started to run straight at us! Jordan was up the board walk a little ways and the bison was running up to him. I ran down the board walk and grabbed a little girl for safety. Maybe not the best idea :) You can see the big bison a little in the video before Jordan turns and runs away himself.

After the crazyness of the bison running, Jordan and I kept going up the path and we saw a grizzly bear! I think that was what made the bison run.

We took a few small hikes around the area and got to see some pretty cool stuff including a lot of hydrothermals and the Hotel and Lodge in the lakes area. If you look close you can see Suzy relaxing in a rocking chair on the lodge porch.

Later that night we were joined by Vivian, Jensen and baby Dunken.

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