We're Moving!

In a few weeks Suz and I will be selling or putting our belongings into storage, jumping into our RV, and living in it as we travel around the country… indefinitely. We hope to make enough money on the road to break even and make it sustainable so that we can do this as long as we want. 

I have been thinking a lot over the last few years about how people, especially me, have dreams about this or that or how they want their lives to be, or what have you, but they never seem do anything about it. Maybe it’s because we are too scared or because the status quo is just easier. So, we carry on with our secure jobs and with what is normal, safe and easy. This is how most people do things and there isn't anything wrong with it. However, I've decided when we take risks to follow dreams we rarely regret it, even when it doesn't turn out as planned, but when we don’t take those risks we usually do regret it. The last thing I want is to look back on my life when I’m old and wish I had lived more and taken more risks or that I had done that thing I always wanted to do but for some stupid reason I didn't.

So, to put our money where our mouths are, we are hitting the road to choose life and experiences over playing it safe, building a perfect career or what may be easiest. Maybe I have been reading too much Thoreau and this is actually a terrible idea, in which case we won't be gone for long. Either way, at least we will have given it a shot and won’t wonder the rest of our lives “what if?” Here goes nothing…

1 comment:

  1. Hi :) I follow your wife on Instagram. We are going to buy a trailer and do the same thing, but on a smaller scale. We want to travel around until it gets too cold, but we also have 2 kids. We are trying to get some advice when it comes to living out of a trailer. Do you have any tips or advice? Did you run into any problems? Id love to hear back from either of you. Thanks for being inspiring. Mlg.yourfavbuddy@gmail.com
