#24 - Issaquah

We spent a week and a half in Issaquah with Jordan's uncle and aunt, Tad and Kim. We picked gallons of blackberries and made a cobbler several times. I think I consumed an entire 9x13 pan by myself. We had blackberries out our ears.

Jordan's cousin Katie lives right off of Lake Sammamish so we went swimming most days we were there. The lake was so warm! Especially compared to the cold water we've been swimming in.

Their family is as much a fan of the show Survivor as I am, maybe more. Most nights after cobbler we went down to the basement and watched old episodes. We wanted to have a Survivor themed night complete with camping and games and prizes. We didn't really have that grand of a Survivor night, but we did camp out in the back yard.

We also did a lot of other water activities. We all took a drive one Sunday to Snoqualamie Falls.
We also hiked to some other falls along the same river.
 Here's Uncle Tad being a daredevil and taking the not-so-safe route.

Jordan, Katie, and I spent one day playing in the river.

Jordan spent his elementary school days in Bellevue, Washington so we went there one day to his old stomping ground. I got to see the house he lived in and his old elementary school. When Jordan was a little kid he got a dollar for allowance every week. As soon as he got his dollar he would walk to the grocery store behind his house and buy a Milky Way. We went and bought a Milky Way while we where there.

Every summer Seattle has Seafair where the Blue Angels come and there are boat races and things.

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