#30 Aberdeen

After leaving Forks and the Olympic Peninsula we headed down the coast on the 101. 
We spent the night on a dirt road pull off in the middle of nowhere in dense forest. The next day was Sunday so we got ready for church. I felt really silly getting ready in the church parking lot and then climbing out and walking into the church building. We had a crazy surprise as we sat down to sacrament meeting. Jordan's old friend from high school was in that ward! Pretty crazy. Their ward was fairly small and they obviously didn't get new people very often, especially young couples like us. Everyone was very hopeful in asking if we had moved to Aberdeen. 

After church they invited us to their house  to spent the day with them and for dinner. Here we have Brooke and Aaron (Mom and Dad), Emma, Heidi, Gracie, Megan (girls, oldest to youngest), and Carter. 
We had so much fun with this wonderful family and were sad to say goodbye. So are their kids, apparently. 
My birthday was a couple months back on our trip and we finally ordered my birthday present and had it sent to Aberdeen. It was supposed to arrive while we were there. Jordan called the post office to ask if we could get a package delivered and they said yes and told us what address to put. We followed their instructions and wrote General Delivery on the mailing address. Well, the delivery man didn't like that. He wouldn't leave our package at the post office because it didn't have an actual street address. Oh what a headache! We drove all over Timbuktu trying to get that stupid thing. We weren't very happy. After they held our package hostage we finally got it in Cosmopolis, 20 miles out of the way. Which is a lot when you drive a slow tank.

After Aberdeen, and trying to get that dumb package, we drove to Ocean Shores. Its a fun little tourist town and you can drive your scooter on the beach! It was so much fun!

I had a bit of a scare in Ocean Shores. We spent the night next to a golf course and went for a little walk before going to bed for the night. We were walking along an unlit path next to a canal and heard a big splash. It didn't sound like an animal sliding into the water, but more like a person throwing something in saying, "Hey! I'm here!" I did let my imagination get the best of me and wanted to run back to the RV. Jordan wanted to stay and poke around to see what made the noise.
The next morning we woke up and Jordan did about 1000 donuts in the sand on his scooter at the beach before we left town

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